Compassionate Ministry - Tuesday & Thursday - 10am

  Our outreach to the homeless and needy is a focal point of our ministry. Over 30 years ago when Pastor Larry was called into the ministry the Lord gave him Matthew  25:31-46 as his Scripture. In that passage Jesus tells us that whatever we have done to the least of these brothers of His, we have done to Him personally. Visiting, feeding, clothing, helping the poor and the needy  -  whatever we do we're doing unto Him.

Along with lunch, which is served every Saturday at 10:30am, we also provide showers, clean clothes, blankets and personal hygiene items to everyone who needs them.  The needy come in at 9:00am for showers, and at times, when a barber comes, they may get a haircut. At every meal the Gospel is shared and people are asked to receive Jesus Christ as Savior. Anyone who needs a rehab program is referred to Teen Challenge or one of the other places we have a relationship with. We are committed to ministering to the whole person - Spirit, Soul and Body!

Not everyone who comes to eat is literally homeless. Some are just lonely or financially just getting by and a meal a few days a week is a big help. We don't turn anyone away.
There are many different nationalities and races that come to eat at the church. On any given day there will be Russian, Polish, Puerto Rican, Mexican, Irish or Italian people sitting down at our tables. Blacks, Whites and Asians all with one thing in common - a little something to help them keep going!

Church members and other volunteers help prepare and serve the food, give out clothing and look after the needs of the people. Workers are expected to treat our guests as if they were paying customers in a 5 star restaurant. Street people, especially, are not given much attention in the streets and we want to be sure they know they are loved and have great value in the eyes of God!
This ministry touches the whole person. People are fed and clothed. They are cleaned and groomed. And most of all they are given the opportunity to respond to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!
As you scroll through this page take a moment and pray for these people as well as for us and our continued ministry to the homeless and needy. The challenge is great and we need the power of God evey time we minister to them!
Pastor Larry 








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